Creative / Challenging Learning in a Unique Environment

North Pike School District’s Gifted Education Program

What is the CLUE Program?

The CLUE Program is North Pike School District’s gifted education program for students identified as intellectually gifted. The district offers an intellectually gifted education program for grades 2-6 as mandated by the state of Mississippi.

The purpose of the program is to identify and serve identified students in a uniquely different educational program not available in the regular classroom.

This program is in addition to and different from the regular program of instruction provided by the district’s schools. Properly endorsed gifted education teachers serve students for a minimum of 4 hours per week.

What is the mission?

The mission of the CLUE Program is to maximize student potential through instructional modifications that targets the special needs of intellectually gifted children and empower students with skills necessary to become lifelong learners.

What are the program goals?

The goals of the CLUE Program are as follows:

•to cultivate self-direction and autonomy in students

•to enable students to integrate the gifted process skills into their lives

•to provide challenging opportunities for students to learn from one another

•to ensure a safe environment with a curriculum that meets individual needs

•to develop life-long learners

•to increase understanding of self and others

More About CLUE

How are students identified?

The state of Mississippi defines “intellectually gifted children” as those children who are found to have an exceptionally high degree of intelligence as documented through the identification process. A student may be referred by a teacher, parent, counselors, administrator, peer, self, or anyone else having reason to believe the student may be gifted.  Once a student has been referred to the CLUE program, the school and district use state-approved criteria for identification, such as school-level screenings and individual IQ tests administered by a licensed psychometrist. An IQ score at or above the 91st percentile is required for eligibility.

How is the curriculum different?

The CLUE curriculum emphasizes thinking skills, creativity, problem solving, research, leadership, communication, affective/personal growth skills, group dynamics and self-directed learning.

Instructional practices used in the CLUE classes include, but are not limited to, simulations, service learning, group and individual projects and presentations, concept units, the arts, and experiments
How is the CLUE Program structured?

The district offers students a high-quality gifted education program that includes these key components:

•an established process for identifying eligible students

•a challenging curriculum that includes the Mississippi Department of education’s recommended outcomes for the gifted

• differentiated learning experiences

•an emphasis on learning processes and student interests

•social-emotional guidance while participating in the program

•evaluation of student progress

•on-going professional development for teachers of the gifted

For additional information,

Please contact North Pike School District‘s Gifted Contact Person

Paige Pigott, Special Services Coordinator

1041 Jaguar Trail Summit, MS  39666 Phone: (601) 276-6927 email:

NPSD Gifted Team